The publicly owned company Elektroprivreda Hrvatske zajednice Herceg Bosne d.d. Mostar is organized as a joint-stock company and operates in accordance with the Law on Companies and the Law on Public Companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Company’s capital consists of state capital amounting to 90%, and 10% is composed of capital held by small shareholders privatized through a public offering of shares.
The competencies of the Company’s Assembly, composed of shareholders, are prescribed by law and the Company’s Statute. The Assembly convenes at least once a year to report on the Company’s annual report, which includes the Company’s financial statements and reports from the Auditor, Supervisory Board, and Audit Committee.
The Supervisory Board of the Company consists of a total of seven (7) members, including the president, appointed and dismissed by the Company’s Assembly in accordance with the law. The Supervisory Board supervises the work and operations of the Company and has other competencies prescribed by law and the Company’s Statute. Meetings of the Supervisory Board are held as necessary, at least once every three months.
The Management Board of the Company consists of: the General Manager and executive directors: Executive Director for Economic Affairs, Executive Director for Legal Affairs, Executive Director for Electricity Production, Executive Director for Electricity Distribution, Executive Director for Development, and Executive Director for Supply. The General Manager leads the work of the Management Board.
The Audit Committee consists of three members, including the president. The obligations and responsibilities of the Audit Committee are prescribed by law and the Company’s Statute.