Report of the activities of the Voting Committee from the 52nd (extraordinary) session of the Shareholders’ Assembly

Pursuant to Article 25, paragraph (4) of the Rulebook on the management of joint stock companies (Official gazette of the Federation of BiH, 19/10) and Article 33, paragraphs (7, 8, 9 and 10) of the Statute of the Public Company ‘’ELEKTROPRIVREDA HRVATSKE ZAJEDNICE HERCEG BOSNE’’ joint-stock company Mostar, SD-8/16 from 29 June 2016 and SD-6/19 from 19 June 2019, after holding the 52nd (extraordinary) session of the Shareholders’ Assembly of the Public Company ‘’ELEKTROPRIVREDA HRVATSKE ZAJEDNICE HERCEG BOSNE’’ joint-stock company Mostar, the Voting Committee makes the following R E P O R T of the activities of the Voting Company from the 52nd (extraordinary) session of the Shareholders’ Assembly of the Company.

More information is available on:

Report of the Activities of the Voting Committee from the 52nd session of the Shareholders’ Assembly